It’s so unromantic to talk about a pre-nup!

Sure, it isn’t a discussion you probably want to have while on a special date night, but it is a conversation every couple should have at some time, and certainly within the first year or so of a relationship.

Of course you don’t want or plan for your relationship to end, but hey, you don’t plan for your house to burn down or for your car to be stolen either, but you insure them, just in case. And in the same way you need to insure your precious and valuable assets against being halved when your relationship inevitably ends.

Hang on? Inevitably!? That's a very unromantic attitude! Well, yes, but sorry, every relationship ends eventually – either by separation or by the death of one of you. And with a well-drafted pre-nuptial (aka contracting out) agreement (and of course a will), you can be confident that what you and your partner intend to happen to your assets, will happen.

Having a pre-nup is especially important if you have children from an earlier relationship, or if you are bringing significantly more assets into the relationship than your partner is.

And don’t leave it too long – once you’ve been together for three years, the Property (Relationships) Act has taken hold, and the discussion will be a much more difficult one! Contact a specialist Family Lawyer now to discuss insuring your assets.


But a pre-nup is so expensive!