What is Collaborative Law?


The Collaborative dispute resolution process allows you to stay out of Court, take control of your separation (or other legal issue or dispute) and resolve issues in a dignified, respectful way.

Collaborative Process is being used more and more by New Zealand families to guide them through the emotional, legal and financial aspects of separation.

I am trained in the Collaborative Process, as are a growing number of lawyers in Dunedin and Otago.

If you embark on a Collaborative Process, you and the other party will be asked to commit to working together with your specially trained professional advisors. 

The process is client-centred: during the process, you and the other party will focus on what is important to each of you and your family moving forward.

People often say that if they could sit around a table together their issues would be dealt with quickly, rather than drawn out through the exchange of lawyers’ letters. 

The Collaborative Process occurs through a series of focused meetings where you exchange information, explore options for resolution and plan your own future in a private, supported and respectful way. During the process you will be supported to exchange information, consider issues and options and find common ground.  No more lawyers’ letters and waiting weeks for a response!

Collaborative Practice has the following benefits:

  • Control – you have control of the timing of the process, the issues for discussion and its outcomes.

  • Cost Effective – Collaborative Practice costs less than Court and is often less costly and more efficient than negotiating through lawyers’ letters or other processes.

  • Simple – face to face meetings and the ability to address issues directly.

  • Personal – your issues and resolutions are based around the unique interests of you and any children you may have.

  • Out of Court – an important part of the Collaborative Process is the threat of Court is removed from negotiations.

  • Informed problem solving – full disclosure of facts and information occurs (just as in any other dispute resolution process) and your professionals guide you to use that information within a problem solving approach.

  • Respectful – you and your partner may no longer get along but the Collaborative Process supports you in creating a respectful atmosphere.

  • Positive outcomes – respectful negotiations and dealing with your specific, future interests means more positive, longstanding and achievable outcomes for you and your family. Outcomes are usually far more bespoke and creative than could be achieved through a positional, adversarial negotiation through lawyers or Court process.

* The above information is taken from the website of Collaborative Resolution NZ, of which I am a member. Visit their website for more information.