Family Violence is not OK.


Family Violence is not OK. 

Family Violence (also called Domestic Violence) can be physical, psychological, sexual, financial abuse. It is not OK and you are entitled to be protected from it.

If you have suffered family violence from a person that you have a family relationship with (such as a spouse, de facto partner, parent, child, sibling, boarder or flatmate), and if you believe you need protection from that person, you can apply for a protection order.

You should obtain legal advice prior to making an application as making a mistake in the application process could be the difference between getting the Court's protection and not, and you may not get a second chance. Legal aid is likely to be available and usually it doesn't have to be paid back in family violence cases.

If you have been served with a protection order, the first thing to do is READ IT and obey it. The second thing to do is get legal advice, particularly if your children are also named in the protection order. Acting for yourself in a DV case is never going to be a good idea.

If you are on a low income, you may be eligible to apply for legal aid so that you do not have to worry about legal fees. I have limited capacity to act for clients under legal aid. If I cannot assist you, I can usually refer you to other local lawyers who may be able to assist.