Care & Contact Calendar.
Feel free to use this Care & Contact Planner to help with setting up a care arrangement that works for your family.
It is quite common for care arrangements to be based around a fortnightly rotation, where the children will be in the care of Parent A for a certain days/nights each fortnight, and in the care of Parent B for the rest of the time.
This calendar gives an example of a "week about" shared care arrangement, where the children transition between their homes on Sunday evening. Other common changeover days are Friday and/or Monday, all of which allow the children to have alternating weekends with each parent.
Using this calendar, you can "fast forward" as far as you like, perhaps to see which parent will have little Johnny in their care on his 16th birthday!
The calendar includes all New Zealand school holidays and statutory holidays until the end of 2017.
(I do not, however, accept any liability for any mistakes that may occur within this calendar.)